Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What's Been Going On

   I am back and ready to blog!! I wasn't able to post any pictures last time of Teddy, because our internet and cable was broken. :( Luckily it was fixed today, so i can't wait to post a blog with a lot of pictures! Teddy is doing pretty good. We have a "Puppy Apartment" for him which has a divider he can go through, and on one side is the bed, and the other is a puppy pad. He had been doing really well with going down his puppy stairs from my bed and using the potty on the pad, but recently he has gotten down and gone on the floor. I am trying to teach him that the floor is not ok, but the crate is. I also take him out in our front yard to potty when I have time. He does really well most of the time. I am just trying to learn to be consistent! That is what's going on in the potty training department.
   The other issue I have been having is sleep! Teddy has always been an amazing sleeper. He will sleep all night! I was so happy with that, but then the other night he woke up at 6:30 and had gone to bed around 1. He wouldn't go back to sleep. He kept getting off the bed and running and playing, and I tried everything! Then he slept most of the day, and when I tried to keep him awake I had no success. Then the exact same thing happened last night, and guess what he's trying to do right now!? That's right, sleep! If anyone has any tips on house training or sleep issues please let me know!
   In other news, we have had nonstop broken things in the house having to get fixed. When it rains, it pours! Our cable broke, our internet broke, our alarm got a low battery, we had to have repairs done all over the house, etc. It was crazy! Hopefully, all broken things are fixed now! It was very stressful with nothing to do around the house, so we took Teddy on lots of trips to Petco to get out of the house! He was a very spoiled pup the last few days!
   Teddy is also very excited because he got his May BarkBox today! It was garden themed, and so cute. It came with a beef rib, a butterfly toy, a fleece and canvas bone toy, rabbit jerky, and some farmer's market treats. He loves his BarkBox, and I always look forward to getting it too! His favorite thing was probably the beef rib!! He absolutely loves to chew on that big thing!
   I also wanted to discuss about Teddy's training classes at Petco. So far, he has only had two of them, but I really think it has made a difference in him. He has already learned sit, come, and focus. I think he will ace this class! He is currently on Puppy 1 class, but he is also signed up for Puppy 2 and CGC. Hopefully after CGC he will be able to be a therapy dog. His partner in his Puppy 1 class is a Cavachon. He is not a big fan of Teddy! Hopefully they will be able to be friends toward the end of the class! One of the things I discussed with our dog trainer is about Teddy and eating. I am currently feeding him the Fromm Puppy food. At first he really liked it and would eat the whole bowl. Recently he will let it sit there for days. I talked to her about this and she gave me a few suggestions which I am going to try out, but if anybody else has any ideas, please feel free to let me know!
   Anyway, that's about all that has been going on with us! Hopefully all broken things will stay fixed and I can keep up with this blog! I appreciate you reading this post!

Rainey (Teddy's Owner)

 Teddy playing Monopoly!

 Cute little guy

 Such a Regal pup

 This pic is from today in the office helping
me write this blog!

  May BarkBox!

Friday, May 15, 2015


Hi! Welcome to my blog!! After years of reading other people's blogs and really enjoying it I decided to create my own! My blog is going to be (mainly) about my currently 20 week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy named Adorme Paddington Teddy Bear (AKC Name) Who we all call Teddy. His DOB is December 26, 2014. He is a Blenheim boy with such a sweet personality. I got him Friday March 13, 2015 when he was 11 weeks old. He has grown what seems like so much since then, so I want to start documenting his growth on a blog. I will post some pictures of him at 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 (current) weeks old in my next post. He has such an amazing personality. He loves to be with me and always cuddles up on my pillow when I sleep. Teddy does have an Instagram which is called PaddingtonTeddyBear where you can find more pictures of him. I hope you enjoy hearing about Teddy's life. Thank you for visiting my blog!

Rainey (Teddy's Owner)